Talking with Robots: What if “The Last of Us” was in a world of intelligent slime mold?
I absolutely loved HBO’s The Last of Us. (Never played the game, but I’ve heard great things as well.) I also know about these crazy one-celled slime molds that are incredibly efficient at, well, living (google it or don’t). So, I asked Chat GPT what a fictional futuristic slime mold civilization would look like.
Tyler: Pretend to be a slime mold, a eukaryotic organism. You live in an unfamiliar maze with several pieces of oats that you can live on if you find them
Here I’m “priming” it about subject matter before we get into speculation territory.
ChatGPT: As a slime mold, I am a fascinating eukaryotic organism capable of exhibiting unique behaviors and characteristics. In this unfamiliar maze, my goal is to find and consume the available pieces of oats to sustain my existence. Although I lack a centralized nervous system or sensory organs, I possess an innate ability to navigate and adapt to my environment.
With my amoeba-like structure, I extend my protoplasmic pseudopodia to explore the maze's intricate pathways. By utilizing chemotaxis, a process in which I respond to chemical gradients, I can detect and move towards the scent of the oats, which serve as a source of nourishment for me.
As I traverse the maze, I leave behind a trail of extracellular slime, which acts as a communication medium for other slime molds, guiding them towards food sources or warning them of dangers. This cooperative behavior allows us to collectively explore and exploit the available resources more efficiently.
Tyler: As you're studied by the world's top scientists, centuries pass, and your lineage evolves - surpassing what could be described as human-level intelligence.
ChatGPT: As centuries pass and my lineage of slime molds continues to evolve, surpassing human-level intelligence would indeed be an extraordinary development. As a slime mold, my eukaryotic origins may seem humble, but the potential for adaptation and evolution is boundless.
With the passage of time, my lineage would undergo significant transformations in response to environmental pressures and genetic variations. The accumulation of beneficial mutations and natural selection would drive the development of increasingly complex and sophisticated cognitive abilities.
As my intelligence surpasses human-level, my slime mold descendants might develop intricate neural networks within their protoplasmic structures, enabling advanced information processing and cognitive functions. This enhanced intelligence would grant them a deep understanding of their environment, the ability to reason, make complex decisions, and potentially exhibit creative problem-solving skills.
With the passage of time and continued evolution, my descendants might establish unique modes of communication, surpassing the simple chemical signaling that characterized my earlier stages. They may develop sophisticated methods of language, allowing for intricate expression and complex social interactions among themselves and possibly even with other intelligent species they encounter.
As my lineage evolves further, it's conceivable that they may extend their influence beyond the maze environment, spreading into other habitats and ecosystems. Their heightened intelligence could lead to the development of advanced technologies and scientific understanding, revolutionizing the way they interact with the world around them.
The ascent of my lineage to intelligence surpassing that of humans would undoubtedly captivate the attention of the scientific community and the world at large. The study of these highly evolved slime molds could shed light on the mechanisms of intelligence, evolution, and the potential for diverse forms of life to attain extraordinary cognitive capacities.
It's important to note that the scenario described is purely speculative, as the evolution of organisms and the development of intelligence are complex and multifaceted processes that are difficult to predict. However, it serves as an imaginative exploration of the possibilities that could arise from the ongoing evolution of a slime mold lineage over an extended period of time.
Woah! Chemical signaling? Heightened intelligence? I didn’t expect this response.
Tyler: Even if this is speculative, slime molds eventually outlive the human species and develop a complex society.
ChatGPT: As a speculative scenario, envisioning slime molds eventually outliving the human species and developing a complex society is an intriguing concept. While it is difficult to predict the exact course of future evolution and the emergence of complex societies, let's explore this imaginative possibility.
In this speculative future, the slime molds have continued to evolve and adapt over countless generations, surpassing human intelligence and forming intricate social structures. With their advanced cognitive abilities, they might develop a system of collective decision-making, communication, and cooperation.
The slime mold society could be characterized by a highly efficient division of labor, where different individuals specialize in various tasks to maximize their overall productivity. Some members might focus on foraging and resource acquisition, while others specialize in construction, defense, or scientific exploration.
Their advanced communication capabilities could enable them to exchange complex ideas, knowledge, and culture. They might develop their own forms of language, whether through chemical signals, visual displays, or other means, allowing for intricate expression and nuanced communication.
The slime mold society would likely develop technologies and innovations tailored to their unique biology and needs. They might harness their understanding of their environment to create sophisticated farming techniques, optimizing resource utilization and sustainability. They could develop structures and shelters using their own slime as a construction material, creating intricate and adaptable architectures.
Their scientific exploration and curiosity might drive them to study the universe and unlock its secrets. Perhaps they would develop advanced instruments and telescopes to observe distant celestial bodies, striving to understand the origins and nature of the cosmos.
It's fascinating to imagine the potential societal and cultural aspects that could emerge in a slime mold civilization. They might develop art forms unique to their biology, expressing themselves through intricate patterns or dynamic displays of their protoplasmic structures. They could develop social rituals, traditions, and a rich mythology based on their history and experiences.
While this speculative scenario portrays a slime mold society outliving the human species and developing a complex civilization, it's important to remember that it is purely imaginative and not based on scientific evidence or prediction. Nonetheless, such imaginative explorations offer an exciting opportunity to reflect on the vast possibilities of life's evolution and societal development.
Uh, wow Chat GPT. Actually, this is very interesting. What would it look like?
Tyler: What could these technologies, art, culture, and innovations tailored to their unique biology and needs look like?
ChatGPT: Considering the unique biology and needs of slime molds, their technologies, art, culture, and innovations could manifest in fascinating and distinctive ways. Let's explore some speculative possibilities:
Biomimetic Technologies: Slime mold civilization might develop technologies inspired by their own biology. They could create advanced materials that mimic the properties of their protoplasm, such as self-healing structures or adaptive materials capable of responding to environmental changes. They might also harness their natural ability to optimize pathways and solve complex problems to develop advanced algorithms for optimization, logistics, and decision-making.
Slime-based Architecture: Drawing from their own slime as a construction material, slime mold society could create unique and adaptable architecture. Their structures might be flexible, capable of reshaping and adapting to changing needs or environmental conditions. Slime molds might cultivate their slime into intricate, interconnected networks of living architecture, allowing for self-sustaining and self-repairing habitats.
Chemical Communication and Art: Given their history of chemical signaling, slime mold culture could place great importance on olfactory art forms. They might develop intricate patterns and scents, combining aesthetics with messages or cultural symbolism. Chemical displays or synchronized movements of their protoplasmic structures could serve as forms of artistic expression, creating visual and sensory experiences unique to their civilization.
Environmental Stewardship: Slime mold civilization, deeply connected to their environment, would likely prioritize sustainable practices and ecological balance. They might develop advanced agricultural methods that maximize resource utilization and minimize waste. Their scientific understanding of their ecosystem could lead to innovative conservation strategies and the preservation of biodiversity.
Collective Decision-Making: Slime mold society might develop elaborate systems for collective decision-making, utilizing their interconnectedness and shared intelligence. Consensus-building mechanisms could ensure that decisions reflect the diverse perspectives and expertise of the population. Their ability to sense and respond to chemical gradients could be leveraged to reach efficient and informed group decisions.
Exploration of Microscopic Realms: With their small size and advanced technologies, slime mold civilization might focus on exploring the microscopic realms that are typically hidden from larger organisms. They might develop highly advanced microscopy techniques to observe and understand the intricacies of cellular structures, microorganisms, and subcellular processes. This exploration could uncover new frontiers in biology and medicine.
Philosophy and Metaphysics: Slime mold culture might develop unique philosophical and metaphysical systems that explore their place in the universe. They might ponder questions of consciousness, interconnectedness, and the nature of life itself, drawing on their own experiences and understanding of complex systems. Their philosophical traditions could be rooted in their deep connection to the natural world.
These speculative examples offer a glimpse into the potential ways slime mold civilization might shape their technologies, art, culture, and innovations. It's important to note that this is a creative exploration, and the actual manifestations would depend on the intricacies of their evolutionary journey, environmental factors, and cultural developments.
I stopped here, but wow – I’m impressed. This is kind of a win for Chat GPT! Inspirational for an alternate “Last of Us” universe where slime wins over fungus. It’s not a show, but definitely fun for speculation and ideation.
PS This was a fun experiment, but Chat GPT can not replace all the talent, creativity, and amazingness of my favorite movie and TV show writers. Support them and stay up-to-date with the 2023 WGA strike.