Shinesty Copy And Organic Ideation

Creative. Unlimited budget. Promote ALL the Dogecoin apparel. 🐶💸 Also, for context, Billy is one of the creators of Dogecoin.

  1. Ad copy and headline copy as well so we can get a full overview of your ad.

  2. Provide more organic posts and other ideas.

Ad Copy:

Note: I’d either go with data you have on hand or test out these selected CTAs for these ads: Shop Now, Order Now, and Get Offer. 

Ad 1

Post text: Got a case of the Mondays?

Image: Gif of Billy throwing off the Dogecoin robe revealing his Dogecoin suit.

Headline: We got you

Description: Get the Dogecoin suit now.

Ad 2

Post text: Did we take a joke way too far?

Image: Billy saying and gesturing “Way too far”

Headline: Yes, yes we did

Description: And you can, too!

Ad 3

Post text: We’ll cover your ass any time of day.

Image: A fully suited Billy stripping to his underwear

Headline: From business to bed

Description: Suit up & strip down.

Organic Posts And Other Ideas:

Shiba Inu doing a trick jump with the caption “Going to the moon now, byeee” (in reference to the Doge moon memes)

  1. Billy with his hands raised welcomes the crowd with the caption “Settle down Doge”

  2. Billy says and gesturing “Way too far” with the caption “Too far Doge”

  3. Billy releases the robe belt and throws off the robe revealing his Shinesty Dogecoin suit  with the caption “I’m ready for work!”

  4. Choreographed breakdancing moves with the caption “Let’s get this Dogecoin”

  5. “LET’S GET THIS” flashes in lights above DOGECOIN with dancers in front (no caption needed)

  6. A fully suited Billy stripping to his underwear with the caption “Party hardy”

  7. A cheap behind-the-scenes “making of” video of the production

  8. An instructional video helping people learn “The Doge Dance” 

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